How is OCRC different from the official redistricting commission?
The official redistricting commission will draw Ohio’s district maps. The OCRC will gather as much diverse public input as possible to help make sure the official commission draws fair maps and equal districts. The maps we draw will be drafts, which will be submitted to the official commission for consideration. They will not be the official maps.
The OCRC will submit the information we receive from the public to the official commission in the form of testimony.
The OCRC has already begun holding public hearings to gather Ohioans’ input on the maps. We strongly urge the official redistricting commission to do the same. Our goal is to model best practices that the official commission will see and follow.
How is OCRC funded?
OCRC is a voluntary commission sponsored by the Ohio Organizing Collaborative (OOC), Ohio State Conference of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and the A. Philip Randolph Institute (APRI) of Ohio. These organizations will collaborate to fund the commission’s needs, such as website maintenance, data collection and analysis, and community mapping.
Commission members and chairs are unpaid — they are volunteering their time to help ensure fair maps and equal districts for Ohio.
Is this a bipartisan group?
The OCRC is a nonpartisan organization focused on including a broad, diverse, representative range of Ohio residents in the redistricting process.